Smart Device Designed for "Left-Behind" Children's Well-Being and Development


"Left-Behind Children" have become a social pandemic in a lot of developing countries. For instance, in 2020, China had 71.09 million migrant children and 66.93 million left-behind children, affecting 138 million children (46.4% of the total child population) due to population migration. The lack of accompaniment, support, and contact from parents become deeply rooted childhood trauma for these left-behind children, who later grow up to experience difficulty integrating into society and regulating their emotional health.

YoYo aims to alleviate the "Left-Behind Children" problem by promoting the contact and connection between children and their parents through both tangible and digital interfaces. With intelligent voice sensing, heart-rate and stress tracking abilities, it stays on top of Left-Behind children's mental state and connects them to their parents whenever support is needed.

Beyond digital communication, it also serves as a normal YOYO ball, sparking the joy of play in children. It is a toy, a companion, a smart interface to connect with parents, nurturing the parent-child relationships and ensuring optimal well-being and development of children.