Chick Vacc
Poultry Vaccination App for Farmers and Animal Health Workers


Chick Vacc is an app designed for Merial Animal Health to help poultry farmers improve work efficiency, satisfaction, and the vaccination rate of baby chicks. On-site study revealed that 1) Farmers had a hard time typing on a digital device while working, so voice input is crucial. 2) Farmers find it tedious and time-consuming to record vaccination data. 3) Farmers don't know where to seek professional advice, which leads to failed vaccination attempts.

Based on these findings, the app is designed to be simple, clear, visually pleasant, informative, and seamlessly integrated with poultry farmers' daily workflow. As confirmed by follow-up studies, it improved farmers' work efficiency and satisfaction with a 60 NPS (Net Promoter Score).
It also brought a 30% increase in trackable chick vaccination rate.